Farmer Guardians of the Upper Thames
Integrated Local Delivery (ILD)
ILD is a proven approach to tackling climate change at a local level. The framework gives the facilitator the tools they need to connect locally relevant government, charitable, corporate and environmental organisations to work together in support.
The Integrated Local Delivery framework was developed by Jenny Phelps, team leader for FWAG SW Gloucestershire, and lead facilitator for the Farmer Guardians of the Upper Thames.
This framework:
Looks to work within the lowest appropriate national administrative structure (i.e. parish, ward or town), valuing local knowledge, culture, and sense of place of the people that live there.
Clarifies which statutory and non-statutory partners have an interest in the area so that they can be involved, and their strategic aims and objectives can be identified and delivered within that administrative area.
Seeks to deliver a wide range of strategic objectives within the defined area to maximise the wider landscape scale potential and maximise effective use of public, private and charitable funds.
Seeks to strongly support and value the role and knowledge of the farming and local community, valuing and enabling local action and releasing local resources.
Connects groups of communities to farmer groups working throughout river catchments to help manage the essential resources of water to build resilience for food supplies, healthy soil, habitat management, biodiversity recovery, natural flood management and carbon capture.
Promotes the essential role of facilitation through an independent third party (specialist adviser) to develop or support a local group that acts as the collective discussion forum for the area, with clear lines of communication to those public agencies with legal responsibilities;
Incorporates the Parish Council (or other local government framework) into the communication structure of the local group to ensure continuity beyond project timescales.
Provides a forum for all those within the defined area to act and offer knowledge and resources to achieve multi objective delivery with an inclusive list of partners.
Identifies multiple funding opportunities and match funding through joined up partnership working.
Enables people to understand how to take meaningful action, and in so doing improves social cohesion, health and wellbeing