Farmer Guardians of the Upper Thames

Membership of the group is free and comes without specific requirements - just a will to improve the natural environment and a willingness to work with others. It gives access to free events, group activities, training, and professional and peer support.
Check that you are in the group's catchment. See our catchment boundary map.
Download the two forms below, fill in your details in Parts A and B on the Group Member Form. If you have an associate (partner, manager, family member, etc) who will attend events with you or on your behalf, please also complete Part C 'Nominate A Representative'. Otherwise, this can be left blank.
Sign Part D of the Group Member Form AND the foot of the Collaborative Agreement in ink (no e-signatures)
Scan and attach them in an email to info@fwagsw.org.uk FAO Bea Oliver
If you'd like to speak to someone first, you can phone our facilitators: Jenny on 0787 668 7272 or Bea on 07483051794.
Click each icon to download the blank forms
1. Group member form
2. Collaborative agreement